Black Leopard
59 miles
Henley-on-Thames, England, UK
Gender: Female
18 - 40
5'0" (152 cm) - 6'2" (188 cm)
112 lbs (50.8 kg) - 199 lbs (90.3 kg)
to be negotiated
Hours/Wk (min): 20
2016-07-04 to 2017-05-15
Expires: Open Ended
Dancers required for a forthcoming privately-funded Foundation specialising in tropical culture, wildlife and sensuous feminine clothing. The Foundation will operate from custom-built tropical atrium held at warm temperatures year-round, with pools and flowering plants, where staff will enjoy a luxury barefoot workstyle. The Foundation will celebrate wildlife and wild tribal groups around the world, the First Nation. We believe in mixing work with pleasure.
The aim is to develop a small dance troupe of 8 or 10 individuals: there are vacancies for a senior dance instructor/choreographer as well as team members.
The dance troupe will have two major roles:
Firstly, to interpret animal movement and behaviour in their dances to promote wildlife, the earth's wild places and the beauty of nature, the touch of sun and water.
Secondly, to develop a theme celebrating the sensuality of the human body, shot through with colour, tribal rythms and erotic atmosphere .
Imagination, agility and dedication are important. You will be comfortable in a team or on your own, comfortable in either minimum costume or body paint/your own skin, and able to absorb different attitudes and cultures in the world today. There will be some travel to the tropics. You must to be able to swim. Non-smoker.