Ballroom Dance Instructor
Arthur Murray of New Britain
59 miles
New Britain, Connecticut, USA
Gender: Either
18 - 38
competitive salary
Hours/Wk (min): 40
Expires: Open Ended
Dance Teacher
Dance Styles(s)
Ballroom: American Rhythm, American Smooth, International Latin, International Standard, Social Ballroom, Theatre Arts, Vintage
Club: Argentine Tango, Cajun/Zydeco, Country/Western, Hustle, Line Dancing (C/W), Line Dancing (General), Rave/Freestyle, Salsa
Swing: Balboa/BalSwing, Blues, Carolina Shag, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Lindy Hop, Modern Jive (Ceroc), Rock-n-Roll, West Coast Swing
Looking for a job that you can turn into a CAREER? Regardless of your experience- we have a job that beats any desk job out there. Arthur Murray Dance Studio is looking to train fun & motivated people to become successful professionals in the Ballroom Dance Industry. We are currently looking for Ballroom Dance Instructors. We provide the training and all we need are some great people. We teach all the dances that you see on TV, and soon, you could be too. If you have any sales, customer service, communications, or fitness/athletic experience, you could be using it for something meaningful. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We are looking for men and women to invest in. If you have previous dance experience or any of the above, Great! If not, WE PROVIDE THE TRAINING. NOTE: WE ARE TRAINING FOR THE ARTHUR MURRAY LOCATION NEAR WESTFARMS MALL.
Location: WestFarms Mall/New Britain, CT
Compensation: $20,000 - $45,000 / year
Created: 2014-01-21
Updated: 2014-01-21
Last Active: 2014-12-01