Fred Astaire Dance Studio Norwalk
56 miles
Norwalk, Connecticut, USA
Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA [2022-03-15 - 2023-03-15]
Brookfield, Connecticut, USA [2022-03-15 - 2023-03-15]
Gender: Either
20 - 40
5'8" (173 cm) - Any
Starting at $25 per 45 min session / wkly guarantee
Hours/Wk (min): 40
Expires: Open Ended
There’s never been a better time than now to consider an exciting and rewarding career with Fred Astaire Dance Studios as a certified dance instructor! As regional area owners for Fairfield County, CT we are looking for several full time male and one female dance instructor for our busy Ballroom and Latin dance studios in Norwalk, Greenwich. Brookfield & Ridgefield , CT. Dance experience preferred, ballroom dance experience a plus. Position is for Mon-Fri, 12:00PM-9:00PM. Social to competitive clientele. Dance and teacher training provided. Prospective candidates should be well groomed and personable. In addition to teaching private and group lessons, the opportunity exists to take students to competitions, showcases and other studio sponsored events. We are a successful, thriving franchise company that can provide the right person a successful career in the ballroom dance industry with a lot of growing potential!