Babs McDance Social Dance Studio
12 miles
Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
$15 per hour with possible bonus
Hours/Wk (min): 10
2021-01-06 to 2015-03-06
Expires: Open Ended
Ballroom: American Rhythm, American Smooth, International Latin, International Standard, Social Ballroom
Club: Argentine Tango, Cajun/Zydeco, Country/Western, Hustle, Line Dancing (C/W), Line Dancing (General), Salsa
Swing: Blues, Carolina Shag, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Lindy Hop, Rock-n-Roll, West Coast Swing
We are looking for a dance instructor that has an expertise in ballroom, swing, latin, and/or line dances. We are a social dance studio offering private and group classes.