La Danse Cleveland
59 miles
Pay dependant upon experience level.
Hours/Wk (min): 20
Expires: Open Ended
Ballroom: American Rhythm, American Smooth, International Latin, International Standard, Social Ballroom, Theatre Arts
Club: Argentine Tango, Country/Western, Hustle, Salsa
Swing: Balboa/BalSwing, Carolina Shag, East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Modern Jive (Ceroc), Rock-n-Roll, West Coast Swing
We are looking for motivated individuals to either start or continue their career in the ballroom dance industry.
No experience necessary however individuals with ballroom experience can untilize that to earn a higher starting wage.
We conduct all training in-house including dance training and business acumen. We would enjoy hearing from you to see how you would fit into our team here at La Danse.