Gotta Dance
0 miles
Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
Ballroom: American Rhythm, American Smooth, International Latin, International Standard, Social Ballroom
Club: Argentine Tango, Cajun/Zydeco, Country/Western, Hustle, Salsa
Swing: Balboa/BalSwing, Blues, Carolina Shag, East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Modern Jive (Ceroc), Rock-n-Roll, West Coast Swing
We are looking for a full or part time professional ballroom dance instructor willing to move to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Our studio is 4,500 s.f. with 2 professional dance floors and a clogging/tap floor, 130 ft of mirror and a great sound system. Compensation package is flexible and an equity interest is possible. We are hoping to find an instructor also willing to compete with their students.